Dublin Core
Bottle: snuff
One glazed white ceramic snuff bottle. A narrow neck flaring slightly to an out-turned beaded rim surmounts a rounded rectangular body. Lower half of body presents a continuous multi-coloured design of a mounted warrior; body shoulders present continuous multi-coloured design of a dragon and clouds.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Physical Dimensions
64 x 31mm (h x w)
Museum Ac. No.
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The information on this page was created from historic documentation and may not reflect the best available knowledge about the item. If you have information or questions about the objects on this website, please contact Canterbury Museum. Images may be subject to copyright laws and are therefore not of reproduction quality.
“Bottle: snuff,” China, Art and Cultural Diplomacy, accessed March 12, 2025, http://rewialleyart.nz/items/show/221.