Dublin Core
Painting: traveller
One circular album painting on silk mounted on square of paper depicting traveller on donkey in snow with attendant.
Inscription as follows:
端陽前一日寫應子元仁棣大人屬即正 漣波剛清 (Dedicated to Ziyuan, painted a day before the Dragon Boat Festival. Lianbo, Gangqin)
Inscription as follows:
端陽前一日寫應子元仁棣大人屬即正 漣波剛清 (Dedicated to Ziyuan, painted a day before the Dragon Boat Festival. Lianbo, Gangqin)
Rewi Alley
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Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)
“Painting: traveller,” China, Art and Cultural Diplomacy, accessed March 14, 2025, http://rewialleyart.nz/items/show/1122.