Dublin Core
Button: ji guan
One third rank ji guan (Chinese court official's hat) insignia. Comprises a transparent blue glass sphere threaded between a multi-tiered base and single-tiered cap of bronze with traces of gilding. Upper base decoration consists of lotus-like leaf-shaped scrolls with trefoil beads surmounting several tiers of stylised flowers with petals of coiled wire and prominent bead-like carpels. Cap presents eight stylised flowers surrounding a ninth central floral motif. Length of pink and white string attached to upper part of base.
Rewi Alley
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Physical Dimensions
53.75x27.53mm (h x w)
Museum Ac. No.
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Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 AD)
“Button: ji guan,” China, Art and Cultural Diplomacy, accessed March 12, 2025, http://rewialleyart.nz/items/show/1035.